Sin Exists Because God Is Good

No one likes to be dealt a bad deal. Have you ever been caught in a situation that you never planned for? Whenever we’re confronted with a “bad break” or “bad luck” or we’ve been dealt a “bad deal”, whatever the necessary aphorism may be, we feel violated and maybe even helpless. We need answers … Continue reading Sin Exists Because God Is Good

The Gospel is ALWAYS 100% Effective

Have you ever been given a task and knew from the onset that it was destined for failure? Perhaps its impending doom was the reason why you said, “Thanks, but no thanks.” Who would ever say “Yes” to failure? Here in America we tend to be more “sophisticated” than that, or more to the heart … Continue reading The Gospel is ALWAYS 100% Effective

Christian In Name Only

If you, like me have attended church consistently over many years you’ve noticed some changes. It may appear to only be window dressing, but outward changes are birthed from inward beliefs and that never happens overnight. Dating back to the 1990’s it seems like more and more churches began to adopt a corporate marketing strategy … Continue reading Christian In Name Only

Divine Authority Doesn’t Need Man’s Approval

When people dismiss the Bible as simply a book of religion, what they are attempting to do is disavow its authority. They merely look at it as a human invention deprived of divine inspiration, thus refusing to acknowledge its authority. That’s not to say that men do not acknowledge the writings of other men and … Continue reading Divine Authority Doesn’t Need Man’s Approval